Dungeons and Data Puzzle Series I: Round 4— Solved
Covalent launched its first ‘Dungeons and Data’, a crypto-data competition with over $25,000 rewards for all the competitions last October 2020. One of the competitions is a 7-round puzzle series which is aimed for the Puzzle Paladins to solve!
Summary of the rewards:
- First person to solve — 300 XP = 300 USDT
- 10 lucky solvers will be randomly selected from all Puzzle Paladins who submitted correct solution — 50 XP each = 50 USDT
Read more about the DND and XP/rewards system for the competition here: https://www.covalenthq.com/blog/dandd-launch-post/
Summary of Puzzle Paladin Round IV
Duration: October 29, 2020 1:30pm-5:30pm UTC (3 hours)
Final answer: beholder / abishai@Minimooger- first solver10 randomly selected solvers:@Crypt0mata
@tradernakamotoPuzzle Paladin prelim question best answers:
Puzzle Paladin Round IV involves two steps. First step is for the Puzzle Paladins to answer one of the following three questions given by the Dungeon_Master:
- Tell us a creepy story (must be original!)
- What was the creepiest thing that ever happened to you?
- Who is the scariest person in crypto — and why?
50 XP/USDT was rewarded each to @GodSamix and @Internal123456 for giving the best answer to the questions.
Second step involves answering series of mini-puzzles in Covalent_Official_Bot. Puzzle Paladins first need to interact with the bot using the command /quiz
to receive the sequence of puzzles.
The Puzzle (Halloween Special)
This round was specially made for the Halloween. Also, there were a few different sets of puzzles each. I don’t have all of them so I’ll just compile what I can obtain.
Submit /quiz to the bot to receive the first puzzle.
Let’s overcome the first hurdle for this round which is translating(if you don’t understand these).
Translations and answers
Set A: Russian
This demon is found in the Dungeons & Dragons universe, as well as in Stranger Things. Answer in Russian.
This is quite tricky to find as there are a few demons within the two universe. But in the end, we will get this creature
But demogorgon is not the answer as it says in the hint that we have to submit it in Russian. Translating this, we will have демогоргон. Submit!
Set B: Spanish
This vampire monster is native to America. Its name reportedly refers to a certain domesticated animal on which it feeds. Answer in Spanish.
This is easy to get. Just copy the text and google it.
We are sure this is the answer because of the domesticated animal
hint which actually refers to goat. The only tricky part on this is that submitting chupacabra will not be accepted by the bot. It has to be chupacabras.
Set C: Turkish
This European mythical creature is indigenous to the islands and is associated with the color YELLOW and GREEN. Please reply in Turkish
This one is the hardest of them all. The first entry on google will always be DRAGON which is wrong when submitted. Dragon was the candidate on this as the hints refers to it but Dungeon Master said this is incorrect so they gave us more hints. The hint was
The Island is Ireland and the yellow is a hint for gold.
This made it easy as when googled, it will give us Leprechaun! We have to translate it to Turkish and then submit. Leprechaun in Turkish is Cüce cin.
Submitting the answers takes us to next step
For this step, we have to solve this crossword to receive the hidden word.
After solving the crossword, we will be shown the congratulatory banner
And with the word which is noonwraith.
Submitting this will take us to either of the two sets below
If you’re not yet familiar with it, these are encoded in Morse. The Morse on the two sets are identical which roughly translates to REGISTER AGAIN AS:
This instructs us to register again to the Dungeons and Data website as kikimora or stryga, whichever one received.
Doing so will give us the word beholder (stryga) and abishai (kikimora) which when submitted to the bot will end Puzzle Paladin Round 4 Halloween Special.
A big thanks to Covalent and Dungeon Master for making these puzzles! Round 4 was a very special round for Halloween spooks but is still related to Covalent. This round introduced some of the back then upcoming regional communities: Russian, Spanish and Turkish. This also was a reminder for us not to forget to register on the website. Well Played, Covalent! :D
Also, congrats to all the solvers!
About Covalent
Covalent leverages big-data technologies to create meaning from hundreds of billions of data points, delivering actionable insights to investors and allowing developers to allocate resources to higher-utility goals within their organization. Instead of pain-stakingly sourcing data from a small handful of chains, Covalent aggregates information from across dozens of sources including nodes, chains and data feeds. The Covalent API then sources end users with individualized data by wallet, including current and historical investment performance across all types of digital assets. Most importantly, Covalent returns this data in a rapid and consistent manner, incorporating all relevant data within one API interface.
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